Other Projects
Infertility is defined as the absence of pregnancy within 1 year despite regular and unprotected intercourse. However, if pregnancy cannot occur despite regular and unprotected intercourse in women over the age of 35, necessary tests and treatments can be started earlier.
These side projects have been started considering the fact that in the coming years, human beings will be completely infertile and birth will not occur under normal conditions. It is planned to cure both infertility, which is today's disease, and the negativities that may be encountered in the future in these early years. The sperm-ovary bank, in vitro fertilization treatment, and pregnancy studies in a special controlled environment outside the uterus, which are the side branches of the Cryonics Project, will be accelerated and emphasized by considering these situations.
Our sperm-ovary bank will also serve as an organization that stores sperm from donor men and offers it to couples or women in need. CRYS will be used as the method of payment to our donors and CRYS will be used as the method of payment to us when the service is provided to the couple or woman. Our sperm-ovary bank will be used as an option when couples or women are unable to have children due to fertility problems, health problems, or genetic risks.
Our sperm-ovary bank collects sperm-ovary samples from donors and freezes the sperm-ovaries for later use.
Donors are subjected to a rigorous screening and testing process to assess their health history, family history, and genetic background. This scanning and testing are very important to ensure quality and healthy sperm-ovarian samples.
In addition, our sperm-ovary bank will also serve healthy individuals' requests for sperm-ovary freezing on their behalf; CRYS will be used in the payment method.
Our sperm-ovary bank can be used for many reasons. These include the following:
Fertility problems: Fertility problems in men/women can prevent couples from having children. Our organization provides couples or women with quality sperm/ovaries to help them have children.
Health problems: In some cases, health problems of couples or women can be risky for pregnancy. Our sperm/ovary bank will provide healthy sperm/ovary samples, allowing couples or women to conceive a child because of health problems.
Genetic risks: Couples or women with a family history of genetic disorders or risk factors may choose our organization to ensure that their child is healthy.
Genetic disorders reduce the likelihood of embryos implanting in the mother's womb and increase the risk of miscarriage. In some cases where couples are at risk of hereditary diseases, samples are taken from the embryo. The genetic sequences and DNA of the samples are examined, embryos that may have genetic disorders are eliminated and embryos with no problems are selected. As a result of the tests, the embryo with the highest likelihood of being retained in the womb is identified and the chance of pregnancy is increased. Thus, genetically scanned embryos are created. CRYS will be used in the payment method of these genetic analyzes.
Our organization works to provide the highest quality sperm/ovary samples using the latest technologies. Sperm/ovary samples are stored in special containers with special liquids and preservatives and then frozen. Freezing preserves the structure and health of the sperm/ovary, allowing it to be stored for longer.
The risk is almost minimal, as we will meticulously scan and test the donor for any genetic risks and perform the correct scans and tests.
Considering that some women do not want their bodies to deteriorate aesthetically or cannot give birth due to some diseases, our pregnancy project in a special controlled environment outside the womb is thought to be a breakthrough in the world with the development of science and technology.
Since intelligence is a trait that strongly influenced by genetics, rapidly developing genetic research could soon be used to create a class of super-intelligent humans. These people could have IQs up to 1000 times higher than the smartest people today! With advanced science and technology, genetics and intelligence will be studied in our pregnancy project in a special controlled environment outside the womb.
Stephen Hsu, Professor of Theoretical Physics and Vice President for Research at Michigan State University, thinks we are just 10 years away from identifying thousands of genetic variants that control intelligence. These variants, called alleles, can be selected at will in the offspring, and, using genetic engineering techniques, they can be used to multiply intelligence. Hsu puts it this way: "We can think of it as having maximum versions of all the savant-like traits together. Almost flawless recall of pictures and languages, super-fast thinking and computation, very strong geometric visualization, the ability to think even in higher dimensions, multiple analyses, and chains of thought running together and in parallel.
On request, NFT of the ultrasound films of the babies and a few seconds of videos of the moment of birth will also be prepared for our clients who will give birth. CRYS will be used as the payment method for all NFT works.
Upon prior request of the family, the baby's umbilical cord blood is collected with the help of a special system within 10 minutes after birth. The collected blood, with an average volume of 40-100 ml, is immediately sent to the laboratory. The stem cells in it are separated by special methods in the laboratory environment, frozen at -196 degrees in nitrogen tanks, and stored to be used in diseases that the individual may have in the future.
Moreover, on request, we will also help our customers to preserve their children's baby teeth. It is also of great importance to preserve the wisdom teeth of a young person between the ages of 16 and 20, which are not decayed.
Stem cells are used in the treatment of many diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, heart diseases, some types of cancer, stroke, eye diseases, and immune deficiency. In the next 10 years, it is aimed to use stem cells obtained from teeth in the treatment of many diseases such as neurological diseases, Parkinson's, diabetes, and muscle diseases. According to research, dental stem cells are 25% compatible with siblings and 50% compatible with parents.
The harvesting and storage of stem cells will be done in a special system we have prepared. First of all, it is very important that the extracted deciduous and wisdom teeth contain live stem cells. If live cells are found in the extracted tooth and no infection is detected, they will be placed in a special enzyme solution and multiplied. They will then be frozen at -196 degrees and stored in liquid nitrogen tanks. In the light of advancing science and technology, stem cells promise great hopes for humanity in the future to compensate for missing tissue and organ losses.
CRYS will be used as the payment method for all stem cell studies.
In our future studies, we will also work on obtaining a new tooth by placing stem cells in the socket of an extracted tooth. In this way, prostheses will disappear, and a new branch of medicine/specialty is likely to emerge. This will be preventive dentistry.
The facility will continue to be active by using clean and recyclable energy such as solar energy systems and wind turbines to maintain its sustainability and activity. It also keeps advanced generator systems as a backup in case of a possible situation. It ensures that the frozen materials are not affected and the structures remain active.
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