Terms of Service
These Terms of Service set out the terms accepted by customers ("Customers") for the use of the [Service Name] ("Service") service offered by [Company Name] ("Company"). Accepted Terms By using the Service, Customers agree to the following terms: Company's Privacy Policy: All personal informaon shared by the Customer in relaon to the Service will be stored and processed in accordance with the Company's Privacy Policy. Company's Terms of Use: By using the Service, the Client is agreed to the Company's Terms of Use. The Company reserves the right to change the Terms of Use at any me and these changes will be nofied to customers by posng on the Service. Scope of Services The Company guarantees to provide a specific service through the Service. The Company reserves the right to modify or disconnue the Service at any me without prior noce. Payment and Billing Customers are obliged to pay a fee for the use of the Service. The fees may differ depending on the type and use of the Service. The Company may require mely payments and may charge interest for late payments. Terms of Use Customers may use the Service for lawful purposes only and the following acvies are prohibited: Damaging or interfering with the Company's or another user's systems or networks. Engage in any illegal acvity or post illegal content through the Service. Infringe on the intellectual property rights of the Company or another user. Harm or reveal another user's privacy or personal informaon. Limitaons of Liability and Disclaimer. The Company does not warrant that the Service will operate in an uninterrupted or error-free manner. The Company cannot be held liable for any loss or damage that may occur during the use of the Service. Customers accept full responsibility for any problems or losses that may occur during the use of the Service. The Company cannot be held liable for any indirect or direct damages arising out of customers' use of the Service. Changes The Company reserves the right to change these Terms of Service at any me. Customers will be deemed to have accepted the changes to the Terms of Service upon the Company's implementaon of such changes. Cancelaon Customers may stop using the Service at any me. The Company reserves the right to terminate the Service at any me without prior noce. Applicable Law These Terms of Service are governed by the law of [Country]. In the event of any dispute, the pares submit to the jurisdicon of the Courts of [City]. These Terms of Service constute the enre agreement between Customers and Company and supersede all other agreements, representaons or warranes relang to the use of the Service.
Last updated